AMIS Direct Anterior Hip Replacement

Why AMIS DAA Hip Replacements?
Decrease in post-operative pain
Shortened rehabilitation period
Shorter hospital stay
Reduced risk of dislocation
The AMIS technique is a no muscles cutting and nerve respecting procedure causing less surgical trauma.

Dr Ramez Ailabouni is the only surgeon in New Zealand's South Island currently offering AMIS Direct Anterior Hip Replacements.
Dr Ailabouni performed the first AMIS DAA in the South Island. He is committed to safely providing this approach to his patients' so that they can enjoy the benefits of a faster recovery and high performing hip replacement
"I believe we can give more patients an excellent result with quicker recovery after total hip replacement"
Dr Ailabouni currently performs AMIS DAA Hip Replacements at St Georges Hospital, Southern Cross Christchurch Hospital and Burwood Hospital.